Perfect Body Laser & Aesthetics® recognizes VASER® as a new, effective type of non-surgical, non-invasive procedure.
VASER Shape targets your body’s problem areas by using a combination of ultrasonic therapy and massage to smooth, firm and shape the body by temporarily reducing the appearance of cellulite. It also helps your body's metabolism by increasing blood circulation in the area being treated, and can reduce the pain and swelling that occurs after liposuction and other surgical procedures.
VASER Shape is completely non-surgical and non-invasive.
Through a technique know as Zonal Lymphatic Massage, the body's lymphatic system helps to remove toxins, excess fluids and waste from the body. It does this by moving unwanted waste particles through the lymph nodes to the blood stream, where these substances can be filtered out of the body.
Zonal massage stimulates the lymphatic system to drain away excess toxins and fats. Used in concert with ultrasound diathermy, zonal massage can help your body drain and metabolize unwanted fluids from targeted problem areas.
In some cases, Vaser Shape isn’t a good fit. For these Clients, Perfect Body Laser and Aesthetics offers an abundance of alternative choices.